Fried puffy dumplings

This is a very fast to make and delicious dish.


- 2 eggs 
- 3-4 tbsp. sugar
- pinch of salt
- vanilla
- 1/2 tsp. baking soda 
- 2-3 drops of lemon juice
- 3 tbsp. yoghurt
- 1 tbsp. vodka (optional)
- flour (enough to make a dough that wouldn’t stick to your hands)

How to:

1.Beat up the eggs with sugar, add salt, vanilla, baking soda mixed with 2-3 drops of lemon juice, yoghurt and vodka (if using). Stir well and add flour kneating a soft and non-sticking dough.
2. Roll out 0.3 inch thick and cut out with cookie forms.

3. Fry on both sides in heated oil. 

The dumplings puff up when they cook which takes seconds. 

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.


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