Jug cooked potatoes with hunter's sausages

jug cooked potatoes with hunter's sausages


- potatoes
- hunter’s sausages
- carrots
- onion
- salt, pepper, clove
- garlic
- some tomato sauce and water
- grated cheese
- fresh dill and parsley

How to:

1. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Slice the hunter’s sausages. Set aside for a while.
2. Slice the carrots and stir fry them together with the tomato sauce and a couple of tbsp. water for some 10 minutes.
3. Add to the potatoes. Chopp the onion and garlic, add salt, pepper and clove. Mix all the ingredients and put in [clay] jugs. Bake for 45 minutes. Take out and put some grated cheese and fresh chopped dill or parsley on top. Yummilicious!


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